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Standard - News

The Evening Standard

Promotions are crucial to the Evening Standard. And they have to be turned around fast. In this one, they're offering to pay off your mortgage. (But sorry Wales, it's a London thing.)

When it comes to jobs, London and the Evening Standard, an imaginative use of type seemed like the right approach. (If you like them, we're always looking for work.)

There's an apartment up for grabs. It really is in the Standard.

Guardian - News

The Guardian - Student Subscription

A great brand that we were very happy to work on. And subscriptions went up in target areas by up to 30%. Definitely food for thought.

The Guardian - Site-specific Posters

Taking their crucial message of editorial independence right to the point of sale - a manifestation of the brand at work.

The Guardian and The Observer

Extending their then ATL campaign with promotional messaging. As ever with media accounts, work had to be produced quickly, so we used independent illustrators and the agency's in-house typographers and designers to deliver on-time and on-brand.

Mat Head 07746 738 086  Giles Horton 07534 487 303

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