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Dogs Trust - Direct

Dogs Trust - Fundraising

The core activity for any agency servicing a charity is raising money. We're proud that our DR packs and tv commercials have helped ensure Dogs Trust is one of the best funded charities in the UK.

Centrepoint - Direct

Centrepoint - Fundraising

As ever with charities, you have to deliver the cash and show a clear return on investment. But with something as dangerous and damaging as youth homelessness, they want hard-hitting work that builds the brand.

Animals Asia - Direct

Animals Asia - Fundraising

The problem of bear bile farming isn't well-known and in the crowded charity sector, Animals Asia had a very low profile. The work needed a direct response aspect, but first and foremost, it had to get noticed and build brand recognition.

Winalot - Direct

Winalot - Promotional Advertising

The first ad we ever made - 140 dog-years ago.

Superdrug - Direct

Superdrug Truck Livery

In a sector that runs the risk of being very straight-laced, a little lighthearted work helps Superdrug create

a down-to-earth, accessible brand.

Mat Head 07746 738 086  Giles Horton 07534 487 303

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