Animals Asia - Bear Bile Campaign
The problem of bear bile farming isn't well-known and in the crowded charity sector, Animals Asia had a very low profile. The work needed a direct response aspect, but first and foremost, it had to get noticed and build brand recognition.

Dogs Trust
Most of Dogs Trust's focus is naturally on direct response fundraising. However, the danger for charities is
that they neglect to reinforce the brand. To get round this, we occasionally approached Dogs Trust with work for other products and services. As long as there was a money-raising element alongside the core brand building, they were happy to run with it.

The core activity for any agency servicing a charity is raising money. We're proud that our DR packs and tv commercials have helped ensure Dogs Trust is one of the best funded charities in the UK.

As ever with charities, you have to deliver the cash and show a clear return on investment. But with something as dangerous and damaging as youth homelessness, they want hard-hitting work that builds the brand.


Even in the digital age, direct mail is still crucial to charities.